
A simulation lab

Operate children? No mastery without training.

It is with great joy and pride that the team that has worked to collect such beautiful works of art presents you this magnificent catalog.


The aim of this auction is to raise the money needed to equip a simulation center and laboratory on the OSIRIS campus to help young doctors and nurses acquire the necessary technical skills without risk to the patient.

Basically, what is simulation? It is the realization of a dangerous act in a secure environment where error is allowed and without the stress of a real act. All airplane pilots are subjected to this kind of exercise intensively. Today technology exists to apply it to medical specialties.

Better, tomorrow we will print in 3D the diseased organ and we will practice on it as many times as we need until we are certain to be able to perform the gesture without danger on our patient.

Last but not least we will also provide E-learning abilities to Pediatric Surgeons from over Europe. For that reason who want to transform the European Society of Endoscopic Pediatric Surgeons (ESPES) web site into an E-Learning platform able to create a real European network of training in the field.


Three years ago the robot; today simulation; the 3D printer and Artificial Intelligence. A real revolution is underway and the Queen Fabiola Children's University Hospital wants to be a pioneer for the benefit of our young patients and ... our young students; your children and grandchildren.

For a long time, artists and doctors have resembled each other, who "triturate" the material, imagine the future, create and invent relentlessly.